Build A Match
We believe our first public offering - released in 2015 for both the iOS and Android platforms - was unique in that we combined the "match 3" genre with smartphone capabilities. In May 2019 we made the tough decision to retire it due to the Facebook integration component and their constant tinkering with coding requirements. We are all for progress, but for a boutique coding house, the development investment weighed up against our other projects did not make logical sense at the time. Torio will be missed.
What was the game about?
You've played this game before - a popular one was called Candy Crush (TM). But your phone has a camera ... why not take photos and play with your own objects? We called them "matchies".
What was Torio and Lucy playing?
Visit our youtube channel to find out.
You could set and control the following:
- difficulty level of overall game,
- amount of levels,
- win/loose messages,
- colours/shapes,
- rewards for completing the game
(which can include either another
photo or text, or both),
- who you want to share it with.
It is really as easy as:
​Snap. Build. Play. Share.